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The School of Computing and Informatics was established in 2011. It emanated from the then department of Computer Science and Technology that was housed in the then faculty of Science.

The School currently houses two academic departments namely, Department of Computer Science and Department of Information Technology. It also houses one semi-academic unit known as Information Technology Enterprise Center (ITEC) which serves as a business / industrial interface between the School and outside world.  ITEC, currently located at the Kisumu Campus, is the successor of the then Maseno Information Technology Centre (MITC).

Computing, information and electronic communication technologies form the engine that powers the most competitive economies of the world. This important consideration drove Maseno University into incorporating the teaching of Information Technology (IT) into all her undergraduate degree programmes in 2003. Consequently, the University currently produces graduates who are sought-after and are playing leading roles in virtually all the sectors of the Kenyan economy and beyond.


The School has an approximate student population of one thousand that is being served by thirty academic staff. 



Certificate in Information Technology


Diploma in Information Technology



BSc in Computer Science

BSc in Computer Technology

BSC in Information and Communication Technology Management

BSc in Information Systems 


BSc in Information Technology


 Master of Science

MSc in Artificial Intelligence

MSc in Computer Communication and Networks

MSc in Computer Science 

MSc in Computer Technology

MSc in Mobile Computing and Networking

MSc in Parallel and Distributed Computing

MSc in Information Systems 

MSc in Information Technology


 Doctor of Philosophy

PhD in Computer Science

PhD in Information Systems

PhD in Information Technology